GSS Server Overview
Multiple Interfaces. No Modification.
End-users these days are always on the move, and always looking to access mission critical services through multiple interfaces. What that means is that once you have developed services for one interface, you can expect your team to be bogged down with the long, tiring labour of modifying your executables to work across every necessary platform.
The Ilerian GSS Server puts a stop to all that extra work. It is a simple solution that ports services to multiple interfaces across your network, without any modification whatsoever. You need never modify your command line executables, saving many man hours, and allowing your team to get on with more important IT issues and initiatives.
You have everything done but how will you integrate with another system?
GSS Server gets your executable programs and provides services on several interfaces (HTTP etc) for them. You never have to modify your command line executables.
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GSS Server is a general server application for providing several types of services with several types of interfaces.
GSS focuses on reusing your already implemented codes. It aims you to provide your services with minimum effort.
Please check GSS Server Features. You can learn more about how the Ilerian GSS Server can help your team make more effective use of its time, and simplify service delivery across your enterprise through our GSS Server Documentation.
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