An executable service converts an executable on your system (such as script, exe, perl program) to a service that can be supplied through server interfaces.
GSS Server checks the input parameters of executable service
If we configure an executable service as below:
<executableService name="echo" executable="echo_executable.bat" parameterSeparator=" "> <parameter name="param1" default=""></parameter> <parameter name="param2" default="" required="true"></parameter> <parameter name="param4" default="" prefix="-param4=" ></parameter> </executableService>
And send a request for this service:
<request > <job serviceName="echo"> <parameter name="param1" value="value_1"/> <parameter name="param2" value="value_2"/> <parameter name="param4" value="value_4"/> </job> </request>
GSS Server will run the following command:
echo_executable.bat value_1 value_2 -param4=value_4
and return the output to the client:
<response> <serviceResponse name="echo">value_1 value_2 -param4=value_4</serviceResponse> </response>
A valid executable file name shall be specified for an executable service.
The file name can be either a file under the repository path or an absolute path to the executable.
Working Directory
It is the directory that the executable is running in.
Parameter Order
If parameter order is required for a service, the order of the parameters on request should be in the same order in service definition. In case of mismatching order, GSS Server responses with error.
Mandatory Parameter
If a parameter is configured as mandatory, the service requests must include this parameter in the parameter list. Lack of this parameter causes the GSS Server to response with error.
.. <parameter name="param2" default="" required="true"></parameter> ..
Mandatory parameter is identified with required attibute that has value of true. Otherwise it is false. This attribute has value of false by default.
Authorization-Only Parameter
All parameters of the executable service request are used on running the executable. If you want a request parameter to be used for only service authorization; not for running the executable, then set the authorizationOnly property of the parameter.
<executableService authorizationName="exeAuth" executable="mybackup.bat" name="mybackup" > <parameter name="param5" default="" authorizationOnly="true"></parameter> .. </executableService>
For the sample configuration above, param5 with not be used on execution of mybackup.bat. It will be used only for exeAuth authorization policy.
Parameter Prefix
The prefix value is added before the value of coming parameter value.
.. <parameter name="param2" default="" prefix="-param2="></parameter> ..
Parameter Suffix
The prefix value is added after the value of coming parameter value.
.. <parameter name="param2" default="" suffix=">"></parameter> ..
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